17 February 2010

[imp]**the IN SELF

nobody knows what will happen tmw or the day after or the day day after or a year after or ten years after, LETS MAKE IT SHORT the future. so it's always hard to make a big step. it's scary, you never know what will happen. but i am sure this one thing is true. do what you like doing. reality sometimes makes this difficult but fight back! there will be so much meaning to life when you start working on the thing you are really IN. you only live once and it's not that long so just at least try. it will be worth it. it will feel great. awesome. BUT remember you need to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.

07 February 2010

all about what YOU do


THE COBRASNAKE{lots of interesting party pictures}


HASISI PARK{lots of interesting pictures and clips}
always something to learn from others, IDEAS, INSPIRATIONS, THOUGHTS

PLUS jolie



에펠탑 없는 파리는}} 꼬리없는 붕어빵.한강없는 서울.파전없는 막걸리.녹차라떼없는 커피콩.놀부없는 순대국밥.깻잎없는 삽겹살.내방없는 집.카메라없는 여행.인터넷없는 넷북.해없는 하루. 눈없는 겨울.귀요미없는 쪽.파란색없는 하늘.이불없는 침대.의자없는 박물관.문자없는 핸드폰.애교없는 귀요미.


06 February 2010

le fabuleux destin

when i was young instead of raspberries i had ggoggalcone on every finger. i used to eat half the pack like that and i'd eventually get fed up of doing so and just eat normally. instead of crepe we have hoddeok. you press the dough and in the middle you put sweet sugar and cinamon which makes the taste soooooo good like nutella does to crepe. every winter the hoddeok stands would make your glasses all foggy because of the heat in the cold. with your fogged up glasses you gobble in to the sugar and cinamon. i've never seen teddy clouds or bunny clouds but i have seen fish floating in the sky. little boys used to play with marbles and sometimes i would
keep the prettiest marbles of the bunch.

la chance,GRAB IT!

Ma petite Amelie.Si vous laissez passer cette chance,alors avec le temps c'est votre coeur qui va devenir aussi seche et cassant.Alors allez-y!